Poultry Management System

The poultry management system provides to develop powerful and flexible solutions that evolve with the industry and to overcome the gap between the various divisions of poultry production, including rearing, laying, grow-out and all points in between.

The software can be used by integrated companies to keep close track of the entire production cycle from grandparent stock to broilers or by individual operations such as breeder farms, broiler farms, and hatcheries or by feed mills to schedule feed deliveries.

New and improved products are the result of knowing your needs. Our ongoing relationship with you allows us to assess your needs and pass the information to our programmers, who convert your ideas into the industry's newest technology. We are committed to preparing you for the competitive challenges of tomorrow.

Here are our integrated modules in brief followed by detailed information about every module:



This module tracks performance and cost data of broiler flocks. The module is integrated to share data with hatchery, feed scheduling and breeder modules.

The main components of data are farm, house, flock and daily and weekly transactions and records. This module is integrated with feed mills, processing plants, hatcheries, vet labs.



This module tracks performance and cost data of layer flocks. The main components of data are farm, house, flock and daily and weekly transactions and records.

User defined egg categories track all commercial and non commercial egg classes produced. Egg production by case weight, mortality, feed consumption, and feed efficiency are plotted against standards.

Broiler Breeder

Broiler Breeder

This module tracks performance and cost data of broiler breeder flocks. The main components of data are farm, house, flock and daily and weekly transactions. Rearing and laying periods are separated with special functions for each period. The objective of this module is real-time monitoring of all production activities and health status.

Layer Breeder

Layer Breeder

This module tracks performance and cost data of layer breeder flocks. The main components of data are farm, house, flock and daily and weekly transactions. Rearing and laying periods are separated with special functions for each period. The objective of this module is real-time monitoring of all production activities and health status.

Broiler Grandparent

Broiler Grandparent

This module tracks performance and cost data of broiler GP flocks. The main components of data are farm, house, flock and daily and weekly transactions. Rearing and laying periods are separated with special functions for each period. The objective of this module is real-time monitoring of all production activities and health status.

Feed Mill

Feed Mill

This module tracks performance and cost data of feeds and ingredients. The main components of data are feed mill, feed, ingredient and daily transactions.

This module is integrated with broilers, layers, breeders, broilers GP and vet labs.

Processing Plant

Processing Plant

This module tracks performance and cost data of chickens. The main components of data are processing plan, catching group, line, and daily transactions.

This module is integrated with broilers, breeders, broilers GP, vet labs.

Vet Lab

Vet Lab

This module tracks performance of samples. The main components of data are vet labs, lab samples, and daily transactions.

This module is integrated with feed mills, broilers, layers, breeders, broilers GP, processing plants, and hatcheries.

Parent Hatchery

Parent Hatchery

This module tracks performance and cost data of eggs and chicks. The main components of data are hatchery, setter, hatcher, and daily transactions.

This module is integrated with broilers, layer, breeders, and vet labs.

Grandparent Hatchery

Grandparent Hatchery

This module tracks performance and cost data of eggs and chicks. The main components of data are hatchery, setter, hatcher, and daily transactions.

This module is integrated with breeders, broilers GP, and vet labs.



It is a prediction of future events.

Importance of Forecasting:

A- Essential for making effective management decisions.

B- Minimizing risk in decision making.

Performance Module

Performance Module

This module provide top managers with:

- Quires of most performance keys.

- Charts

- Comparisons

- Exporting Results to Excel.

- All of the following items is available to filter or group with them all parameters

Feed Delivery Plan

Feed Delivery Plan

Handles the feed delivery actual cycle starting from feed orders sent from farms and proceeds to the final receiving of feeds in farms.


Saturday - Thursday 8:00 - 17:00

16 Samir Abd El Raouf, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt

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